Love Data Week 2025

Love Data Week (LDW) is an international action week dedicated to research data and research data management. Enthusiasm for data will be celebrated worldwide from February 10 to 14, 2025, under the motto “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?” with various events on various topics. The RDM initiatives in German-speaking countries would like to raise further awareness of research data management by participating extensively in Love Data Week.


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Weitere Events

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TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT GOES GLOBAL This conference will gather technology assessment (TA) practitioners and other experts from around the globe who...



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The Nanoparticle Conference in 2025 (NPC-25) is organized as an on-site conference at the ETH Zürich. It serves as an...



Training and Workshop

During this workshop the Joint Research Center will give an update on the outcomes of the 2nd reporting period of...



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