SETAC Europe

The programme committee of the SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting is committed to putting together a not-to-be-missed conference with an exciting scientific programme addressing the overarching theme “Innovation for Tomorrow: Progress in Safe and Sustainable Concepts.”

This conference theme emphasizes the need for integration of cutting-edge innovations with safety and sustainability considerations, through implementation and expansion of the Safe and Sustainable (by Design) thinking. It should foster concepts of essential transition to Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) through innovation. Applying the concept of SSbD as a mindset is going beyond the development of new molecules and products, applying it for example also to cities, land use and landscapes.

For further information:


SETAC – Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Weitere Events

This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the patent application of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. On the occasion of this...



Presenting major achievements

The workshop is open to all interested parties wishing to get more insight into the HARMLESS project. Specially, it would...



Testing of advanced materials

Overcoming issues in regulatory testing of advanced materials Advanced materials bring new challenges for regulatory risk assessment. The special properties...



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