Can nanoparticles be released from nano-finished sinks or washbowls and the like and can they pass into the body?
Most of such nano-finished sanitary ware is surface-structured and exhibits the dirt-repellent lotus effect that is typical of leaves. This […]
My netbook keyboard has a coating of silver nanoparticles. Is it harmful to my health to use the netbook every day?
Question: “Are silver particles or silver ions being released?” Just as silver as a metal has hardly any effect, the […]
What quantities of titanium dioxide nanoparticles are produced annually worldwide?
About 4.7 million tons of pigmentary titanium dioxide (non-nano) are produced annually. The amount of nanoscale titanium dioxide produced is […]
Is there a list with products containing nanoparticles
There are some websites that list producs with nanotechnology, for example: The Nanodatabase (Englisch): The Project of Emerging Nanotechnologies […]
Fry pans with nanocoatings: Do nanoparticles come off during frying?
Question: “Do particles pass over into the food? Will this cause health hazards?” As a rule, cookware non-stick coatings have […]
To what extent are nano sealings hazardous to the human organism?
To what extent are nano sealings of glass, lacquer, or metal surfaces hazardous to the human organism – during the […]
Is it justified to approve nanobased shoe care sprays?
Question: “Shopping for shoes, I came across some kind of a nanobased shoe care spray. The substances contained are distributed […]
How are nanoparticles displayed in the context of recycling management?
Topic: recycling, recovery, secondary raw material There is no difference to existing products – if they are recyclable products they […]