FONA (Research for Sustainability) is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. It supports research projects […]
The German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) is the central platform for the German catalysis community in research and application. With around […] is the central information portal for research data management (RDM) in German-speaking countries. The website offers practice-oriented articles on […]
NFDI4Cat is a community-driven and user-oriented initiative to secure the digital future of catalysis. Bringing together the various disciplines of […]
The platform for the digitalisation of materials. The MaterialDigital (PMD) platform has set itself the goal of bringing together and […]
CENIDE, the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, represents the appropriate focus of research at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE): Since 2005, […]
Cluster Nanotechnology
Cluster Nanotechnology, to strengthen the interaction between industry and research in Bavaria:
Competence cluster greenBatt
The greenBatt competence cluster is part of the umbrella concept of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for […]
Competence cluster ExcellBattMat
In the ExcellBattMat competence cluster, new material concepts for high-energy battery systems of the future are being developed, characterised and […]
Competence cluster ProZell
The aim of the competence cluster for battery cell production (ProZell) is to research and improve the production process of […]