Data on innovative materials for sustainability and transfer

MANTRA is the scientific project accompanying the BMBF funding programme MaterialNeutral.

It is responsible for the networking and overarching scientific communication of research and development projects. MANTRA is also researching the sustainability and safety of materials. Together with the projects, MANTRA analyses sustainability aspects for innovative materials and develops generally applicable indicators. The project scientifically examines aspects of material safety using a catalogue of literature criteria and discusses the development of sustainable materials. MANTRA presents the objectives and results of the projects to the public in a technically sound manner, both in German-speaking countries and internationally. It also organises information and networking events both between the R&D projects and for the public. MANTRA also carries out market analyses and assesses the economic potential of the technologies developed in MaterialNeutral.

Grant Number:
BMBF – FKZ 03XP0583

Project Lead

Dr. Alexis Bazzanella, Dr. Christoph Steinbach, Dr. Lilla Nikl, DECHEMA e.V.

Web Coordination

Dr. Katja Nau, Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Project Partner

Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe (DE)
Institute of Environmental Technology, FG Sustainable Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin
Department Ecotoxicology (ETOX), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)


NanoCASE GmbH, Engelburg (CH)
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