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EU NanoSafetyCluster publishes a roadmap for safe and sustainable innovative materials 2024-2030

EU NanoSafetyCluster publishes a roadmap for safe and sustainable innovative materials 2024-2030 To address pressing environmental and health issues, the NanoSafetyCluster (NSC) has presented a comprehensive roadmap entitled “Roadmap Safe and Sustainable Advanced and Innovative Materials 2024-2030”. This strategic document outlines a path towards the development and use of advanced materials that are not only advanced, but also safe and sustainable. The need for safe and sustainable development of innovative advanced materials has never been more important. Given the impact of past industrial practices, including the use of hazardous substances and unsustainable manufacturing processes, there is an urgent need for action to minimise the negative impact on human health and the environment.

You can download the roadmap here:


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