Overcoming issues in regulatory testing of advanced materials

Advanced materials bring new challenges for regulatory risk assessment. The special properties of advanced materials may affect the applicability and predictivity of standard test methods for human health and environmental risk assessment. As a result, test methods may need to be adapted or newly developed.

The webinar will inform you about different standardisation organisations (e.g. ISO, CEN, OECD) and the process towards an accepted standard. This includes the important steps of method validation and regulatory acceptance. An overview of the state-of-the-art of human health and environmental in vitro testing of the advanced materials will be given. Challenges and ways to overcome these will be discussed. Topics include stable dispersions, characterisation of materials in test media, alternative testing approaches and dosimetry. Join us for an interactive webinar with participants from academia, industry and regulation.

To register for the MACRAMÉ Webinar III, follow this link.

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